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NorDiNa 2/08, november 2008
From the editors 2/08
Berit Bungum, Anita Wallin, Björn Andersson :
From the editors: Nordina 2/08 pdf
From the organizing committee
Kristján Ketill Stefánsson :
From the organizing committee pdf
Implementation of empirical-mathematical modelling in upper secondary physics: Teachers interpretations and considerations
Carl Angell, Per Morten Kind, Ellen K. Henriksen :
Implementation of empirical-mathematical modelling in upper secondary physics: Teachers interpretations and considerations pdf
Students early experiences of biodiversity and education for a sustainable future
Gustav Helldén, Sofia Helldén :
Students early experiences of biodiversity and education for a sustainable future pdf
Images of physics: an explorative study of the changing character of visual images in Norwegian physics textbooks
Puppets and engagement in science: a case study
Brenda Keogh, Jane Maloney, Stuart Naylor, Shirley Simon :
Puppets and engagement in science: a case study pdf
Train, teach; taught? How the content of specific science subject matter knowledge sessions impacts on trainee teachers classroom practice and childrens learning
Några uppgifter som belyser elevers uppfattningar om vad som är teknik
Maria Svensson, Ann Zetterqvist :
Några uppgifter som belyser elevers uppfattningar om vad som är teknik pdf
Student reasoning while investigating plant material
Different content orientations in science and technology among primary and secondary boys and girls in Sweden: Implications for the transition from primary to secondary school?
Bedre læringsstrategier i realfag
Anne Holt, Anne Bergljot Øyehaug, Bjarte Rom, Per Ivar Kvammen, Mats Mollberg :
Bedre læringsstrategier i realfag pdf
NorDiNa 2/08, november 2008
Utgiver: Naturfagsenteret
Språk: Engelsk, norsk
Utgivelsesår: 2008
Volum: 4
Omfang: 213